Never before would I have thought that the incidence of having a boy come towards me with a slobbery kiss, then put his finger up my nose while pulling my hair followed by a grand finale of throwing up on my face and hair, would have produced a 2 minute long laugh...until my son did it! gross, but hilarious and he thought so too!
My sweet Calan is 9 months old now and still full of smiles and giggles (most of the time). He is a crawling machine and also loves to cruise (walking while holding furniture, etc.) along the couch, coffe table, ottoman, etc. This bundle of joy just keeps growing and I'm sure we'll find out on Tuesday at his 9 month check up that he's in the 85% or higher on the growth chart.
He still loves almost all the food we feed him and eats mostly veggies, fruit, cereal and chicken. He LOVES peas, squash and hates tofu....also melon did not go over well yesterday. The boy also loves, L.O.V.E.S other children....mostly older kids....and dogs. Uh-oh....might be time to think about getting a new pooch (Snickers, my 18 year old pup passed away last year before Calan arrived). I love dogs but the thought of caring for a dog and a baby is a little daunting. We'll see what happens...stay tuned!
Graduations and Kinder bound
8 years ago