Friday, May 29, 2009

Bed Rest

Neils and I went in for a 28th week ultrasound today and got some good and not so good news. Good news - baby Goodwin is growing and weighs approx. 3 lbs! He looks good! Not so good news - my cervix is shortening, which is something that happens toward the end of the pregnancy when you are about to go into labor. What this means is that I have been put on bed rest for the next 6 weeks. Hopefully, this will keep the baby boy at bay. I will know more after I see my doctor on Monday so stay tuned.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Belly Picture

After much prodding by friends and family, I finally had Neils take a picture of me so everyone could see how I'm progressing. Until this week I still had people telling me I didn't look pregnant. Well, there's no hiding it now! I am at 25 weeks and we have 3 more weeks until our next ultrasound. I am excited to see a better picture of our little boy. He is moving around pretty regularly and that always makes me feel happy!

Me at 25 weeks

In other news, we will be visiting Texas in 2 weeks and I can't wait! Neils will actually get to participate in the annual Polka Fest that happens every Memorial Day weekend in Ennis (my hometown). We will also fly down to Houston to see some friends who are so sweet to throw us a baby shower while we are there. I am so excited to see my dad and Dale, my grandparents and all my old friends from R&C and college! I am secretly hoping that it's hot, but for Neils sake I will pray that it's not over 90 degrees.